Never Too Late to Lift: 7 Reasons to Start Weightlifting After 50

7 Reasons Weightlifting Is So Great Later in Life

Are you thinking it's too late to start lifting weights? Think again! It’s a common misconception that weightlifting is only for the young and those aiming to bulk up. The true fact is that lifting weights later in life is not only doable, it’s downright beneficial and necessary—and yes, it can be fun too!

Resistance training is so much more important after 50. Here are just seven of the main reasons mature people should be lifting weights on a regular basis.

  1. Fountain of Youth for Your Muscles: As we age, muscle mass naturally declines. But why settle for weakness when you can lift your way to strength? Regular weightlifting can significantly slow muscle loss, helping you stay active and flexible for everything from travel to playing with the grandkids.
  2. Fat Burning Furnace: Forget hours on the treadmill; resistance training is also a champion fat burner. It’s a double win—gain muscle and lose...
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15 Simple Ways to Enhance Your Immunity

15 Simple Ways to Enhance Your Immunity


You’ve probably seen website ads and natural food stores promoting miracle foods and potions that claim to boost your immune system. Are they worth the money?


In reality, a healthy lifestyle will probably do more for your immune system than anything you can buy. The same habits that keep you strong and fit will maximize your resistance to infection and illness.


At the same time, it’s important to follow the advice of public health experts related to contagious illnesses, such as COVID-19. Practice social distancing, wash your hands frequently, and call your doctor promptly if you have any symptoms that concern you.


Sensible precautions and healthy choices can lower your risk of disease. Consider these 15 simple ways to enhance your immunity.


Eating Habits that Support Immunity:


  1. Eat produce. Vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help fight inflammation. Current...
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